Saturday, July 27, 2013

Solar installation for schools

Solar installation for schools
Many institutional building designers are incorporating the benefits of solar installation into the design of these facilities. Solar installations can help reduce the cost of power used significantly, generating more savings for everyone affected. Because of the amount of electricity needed to power a school building, going solar has tremendous benefits for these institutions.

In nearly every state, there are schools which have gone solar and are now generating electricity for their own use. Solar installations and equipment prices have dropped over the last few years, making them more affordable for school systems to utilize. Solar installations provide numerous benefits for schools which use them.

These systems reduce the amount of utility power required to light, heat, and cool a school, as well as power used for other needs. This ability to generate a large portion of the necessary power reduces a school’s expenses and greatly lowers utility bills. Generating their own power through solar installation also helps schools reduce their overall carbon footprint. By utilizing solar power in their facility, a school can also gain the opportunity to teach students first-hand about the power of solar energy and its benefits.

Schools are not only great candidates for solar photovoltaic systems, but also solar thermal systems. A solar thermal system can provide energy savings for the school’s water and space heating needs. Schools may choose to start with small scale solar systems which generate a smaller amount of energy, or a larger system.

Regardless of the type of solar installation, safety and quality are of the utmost importance for schools. A qualified contractor can perform a site survey in order to assess the structure of buildings and the suitability of the location for solar installation. Smith Sustainable Design performs solar installations across New Jersey and Pennsylvania for commercial, institutional, and residential buildings.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Buy electric solar energy in bulk, too!

Buy electric solar energy in bulk, too!
For many homeowners, the price tag associated with the equipment and installation of electric solar energy systems can be overwhelming. Options such as power purchase agreements and solar leases have become a popular way to avoid daunting upfront expenses while still harnessing solar energy at home. But, there is another option available which allows groups of homeowners to gain the advantage of buying electric solar energy in bulk, lessening the sticker shock of installation. Solar group purchasing is a great way for homeowners to save on electric solar energy by purchasing in bulk quantities.

Just like the bulk savings you can achieve by purchasing goods from a warehouse store that sells in large quantities, solar group purchasing offers the same benefits for the purchase of electric solar energy. By joining with a group of neighbors or an organization, the group purchases their electric solar energy systems together. While you still own your own system that generates power for just your home, multiple systems are effectively purchased together.

Combining forces and purchasing electric solar energy systems in bulk can save you money. When bulk system purchases are made in these scenarios, Smith Sustainable Design can pass on significant savings to group participants. You’ll save more on the equipment and installation of your electric solar energy system in this situation, compared to purchasing individually.

Another advantage of solar group purchasing is convenience. As with any major home improvement, there are many steps to deal with which can be very time consuming. When partnering with other customers, you can save time, energy, and hassles in the bidding process, selecting a reliable contractor, obtaining permits, and coordinating with the utility company. Solar group purchasing can make the process easier for all involved.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Solar photovoltaic panel installation for carports

Solar photovoltaic panel installation for carports
Your roof isn’t the only location available for solar photovoltaic panel installation. Many homeowners and businesses are choosing to utilize carports and awnings as a prime location for panel installation. Not only do these parking structures keep vehicles cooler on hot days, but they provide a way to utilize open spaces for solar energy collection.

Solar photovoltaic panel installation cannot always be performed on a roof space for a variety of reasons. For instance, many commercial buildings simply do not have the roof space because other vital equipment is installed there, such as HVAC systems. Using a carport for solar photovoltaic panel installation is a flexible solution. This method can be used for homes and businesses alike.

Panels for a single-family home can be situated above a 1-car structure, while businesses can choose to install multiple carport structures throughout their parking area to capture solar energy for business operations. With solar photovoltaic panels installed via carport, energy captured and converted by the panels can easily be used to charge electric vehicles while parked! At home, this option helps cut back on utility expenses for charging. Businesses can use solar carports and charging stations to provide added convenience for customers and employees.

In addition to carports, solar photovoltaic panels can be installed over a space to create an awning or solar canopy for a patio. Not only can solar panels be used to offset electricity use, but the panels themselves can be used to create comfort and convenience in new ways outdoors.

Don’t be discouraged if you think your roof isn’t ideal for solar photovoltaic panel installation. There are many other options that are functional and convenience, which may also enhance your outdoor spaces. Smith Sustainable Design installs solar carports and canopies in New Jersey and Pennsylvania- contact us today to learn more. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Roofing & Solar System Panels

Roofing & Solar System Panels

There are many styles of residential and commercial roofing, and a variety of building materials which can be used in the process. In a majority of applications, solar system panels are installed in the roof space of a home or business. There are many qualities a roof has that can affect installation, and certain precautions will be taken by solar system panel installers to protect the roof itself as well as the panels.

Older roofs

When installing solar system panels on an older roof, we encourage you to consider the life of your current roof beforehand. Take into account how old your roof is, how many more years you expect to get out of it, and its current condition. If your home is due for a new roof in under five years, it may be more practical to go ahead and install a new roof before solar system panel installation. This will avoid the need to have the panels removed and reinstalled when your new roof is installed, and the panels will also help protect your new roof, possibly making it last longer than expected.

Roof pitch

The pitch, or angle, of a roof plays a part in determining how solar system panels are installed. Very steep roofs can add to installation time and may require special mounting equipment to secure the panels. Installing solar system panels on a flat roof will likely need ballast rack mounted to hold the equipment.

Roofing materials

Some roofing materials are more sensitive than others when it comes to solar system panel installation. Tile and shake shingles are fragile, and extra care must be taken when installing the solar system panels to avoid damaging the roof. Asphalt shingles are durable, and solar system panels can usually be installed easily with mounts that attach to the roof via the rafters. Regardless of your roofing material, any gaps around mounting equipment must be properly sealed to avoid weather damage to your roof.

When undergoing a solar system panel installation, it’s best to trust a company with experience and expertise in order to protect your roof and your home. Smith Sustainable Design is a highly qualified solar system panel installer who can protect the integrity of your roofing system throughout the life of your solar collection system.
