Monday, March 25, 2013

Electric solar energy lingo- part two

Electric solar energy lingo- part two
There are many terms used in the electric solar energy industry which you may not be familiar with. In order to help you understand the information presented to you, or which you discover through your own research, we’ve put together another post with more detailed explanations of some common terms you may stumble across.

Module power ratings: Module power ratings refer to your solar panel’s electric solar energy output. The STC-DC (Standard Test Condition Direct Current) rating is the global standard for rating a panel’s output, and tests panels using ideal laboratory test settings. The CEC-AC (California Energy Commission Alternating Current) rating uses realistic conditions to measure a panel’s output, as well as inverter efficiency. The CEC-AC rating is always lower than the STC-DC rating because of the difference in testing conditions.

PACE: PACE, or Property Assessed Clean Energy, is a program administered through municipalities which allows residents to finance the installation of an electric solar energy system by paying for it through annual property tax bills. These programs can have higher interest rates than other solar financing options.

PPA: A PPA, or Power Purchase Agreement, is a method to finance the installation of an electric solar energy system. Through a PPA, you will purchase the energy produced by your electric solar energy system at a flat rate. The solar equipment is owned and maintained by the provider, which means you benefit from the energy produced without added maintenance and installation costs.

Prepaid lease: A prepaid lease is another option for those who want to utilize electric solar energy, but don’t want to purchase the system outright. By prepaying for the use of your system for a predetermined time period, prepaid lease providers warranty the system, and you are able to use the electric solar energy produced by the system during that time period.

If you have any questions about these or other terms you have come across while researching electric solar energy systems, contact Smith Sustainable Design. Our knowledgeable team can help demystify the electric solar energy industry, so you can make informed choices for your home or business.

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