Monday, March 11, 2013

Busting solar power energy myths

Busting solar power energy myths

Unfortunately, there is a great deal of misinformation out there about solar power energy. This bad information can cause a lot of confusion, causing those interested in solar power energy to evaluate their decisions based on inaccurate criteria. Get the facts on solar power energy from Smith Sustainable Design; we’ve busted these solar power energy myths so you can weed out the bad information you may come across in your research.

Solar power energy myth 1: It’s too expensive

The cost of installation is often a fear factor for many people interested in utilizing solar power energy. The fact is, solar power energy technology improves every day. Improvements in technology have significantly reduced installation costs for solar power energy systems. Installation costs dropped 20% in 2011, and are expected to continue to drop another 33% in the next 10 years. Many programs are in place through the government and local utility companies which provide incentives to help purchase solar power energy systems. Plus, solar power energy costs less to use than utility-provided energy, reducing day-to-day costs.

Solar power energy myth 2: It’s a bad investment

The solar power energy industry is growing, and more and more consumers are investing in solar power for use in the home and at the office. With electric utility costs on the rise, solar power energy systems are a smart investment which can help you eliminate or offset increasing energy bills.

Solar power energy myth 3: It’s ugly

Some people may say that solar power energy equipment sticks out like a sore thumb. This is just a matter of opinion, and varies from person to person. As solar panel technology has evolved, there are newer options available for installation which can eliminate this concern. Some solar power energy systems boast sleeker panels and mounting hardware for installation. Looks or not, the benefits of installing a solar power energy system outweigh aesthetic worries for most consumers.

Get accurate information on solar power energy systems from a source you trust. Smith Sustainable Design’s team of experts can give you accurate information and guidance if you’re looking to invest in a new solar power energy system.

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