Monday, June 17, 2013

Electric solar energy systems benefit the economy

Electric solar energy systems benefit the economy
Electric solar energy systems do more than just produce affordable, efficient power for your home or business. The solar energy industry has a major impact on our economy. Let’s take a look at some of the many ways electric solar energy systems help everyone.

Obviously, an electric solar energy system saves you money. With a system installed at your home, you’ll save hundreds of dollars every year on energy expenses. With more money in your pocket, you will be able to spend less on utility power and more on other goods and services, boosting the economy. When you take advantage of solar power to provide electricity for your home, you can drastically reduce or eliminate your electric utility bills each month.

With solar power gaining popularity, more new jobs are created in the industry. Electric solar energy installer job opportunities are growing. Also, more workers are needed to manufacture system components, skilled employees are needed to design solar energy systems, and electric solar energy contractors need to add new employees to keep up with demand and keep customers satisfied. The growing solar energy industry creates new jobs for your neighbors, and others across the world.

One last important way electric solar energy helps the economy is by reducing energy dependence. The United States is largely dependent on oil sources abroad, but the sun is not owned by any one country. By harnessing solar power for our energy needs, we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and lower energy prices by eliminating taxes and tariffs. Once your electric solar energy system is installed, you don’t have to worry about fluctuating energy prices. Solar energy is a smart move towards energy independence.

Gain the personal advantages and boost the economy when you choose an electric solar energy system to provide for your home’s power needs. Smith Sustainable Design has a skilled team of electric solar energy installers to design and install your new system- call us today to learn more.

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