Monday, September 16, 2013

Why hire a contractor to install solar panels

Why hire a contractor to install solar panels
Doing it yourself is very tempting for many household projects. Doing it yourself can save you hassle and money. Many can be tackled just fine by a homeowner, but there are some that are better left to the pros. Installing solar panels is one task that you are better off hiring a contractor for.

Designing a solar power system and installing solar panels is a complex process, and many elements factor in to the final plan. Choosing an experienced contractor to handle your installation will help you avoid errors and unnecessary costs. Before the system is even installed, there are several considerations a contractor will help with. Permits and inspections may be necessary, depending on where you live. Your contractor will deal with the often time-consuming, confusing task of obtaining permits for your job.

Doing it yourself can have some pretty big disadvantages. If you are looking to tie into the utility grid, the power company may not permit connection if an approved contractor doesn’t install your solar panels. Plus, your homeowner’s insurance may not cover a self-installed system. Plus, if you install solar panels yourself, you won’t get the same warranty you would if using a contractor.

Choosing a contractor to install solar panels offers many distinct advantages. They have experience doing this work, whereas you most likely don’t. A good contractor knows how to design and install solar panels so they will work as expected- do you? If you don’t install solar panels properly yourself, individual warranties may not be honored and you’ll have a harder time working out the kinks in your system. Plus, using a contractor can help you get a better price on equipment because they have greater buying power. Some manufacturers won’t even sell to self-installers, so using a contractor is your best bet for getting great equipment at a great price.

There are many more advantages to using a contractor for installing solar panels. Installing solar panels is a big investment- protect it by making the right choice from the get-go. Looking for a trusted contractor to install solar panels in New Jersey or Pennsylvania? Contact Smith Sustainable Design today.

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