Friday, January 4, 2013

Why use electric solar energy?

Why use electric solar energy
Everyone has their own reasons for implementing solar energy use in their homes. Working towards sustainability, improving the environment, lowering utility bills; these are reasons we commonly hear when we install solar panels. Take a look at the reasons behind utilizing this technology, and you will see some of the benefits produced by these solutions. The use of fossil fuels to power our homes have great impacts which we may overlook.

When we think about energy costs, we may look at bills from our electric or gas companies. If you’ve ever lived in a home which uses propane to fuel equipment, you may think of that sizeable bill which comes after you’ve filled the tank. These costs are directly related to our use; what we pay for our energy usage. Unfortunately, the costs aren’t just monetary. When we use fossil fuels and electrical power from utilities, there are greater costs which impact us in many ways.

Personal Costs

Unfortunately with utility companies, you aren’t likely to lock into one rate for a lifetime. You’re subject to changing prices, which are a direct reflection of the costs associated with production and transportation, as well as regulation. Because the fossil fuels used for powering homes are not a renewable resource, there is a limited amount available, causing the price to increase year after year.

If you install solar panels, you’ll be able to harvest your own electric solar energy. By taking matters into your own hands, in a way, you can reduce the effects you feel from utility price increases. Achieving energy independence is important to many people, and using electric solar energy is an affordable way to reduce one’s dependency on fossil fuels.

Shared Costs

In order to access fossil fuels for home use, we put great stress on our environment. Mining and processing fuels have negative effects, as well as transporting fossil fuels for use. The electricity you use from a utility company probably was produced using natural gas or coal. These activities can directly damage or contaminate natural resources, and produce pollutants which can damage our environment. The negative impacts of using these energy sources affect everyone in this way, and we share the negative costs associated.

Electric solar energy is a clean way to produce the power needed to fuel your home’s appliances and devices. When you install solar panels, your electricity is produced right at home. No smokestacks, no drilling, no driving to deliver your energy. Electric solar energy is not harmful to our environment to make or use. You’re not only benefitting your household; you’ll be reducing the impact felt by everyone when nonrenewable resources are consumed.

As you can see, energy costs go beyond the utility bills you receive each month. When you install solar panels, you’ll be reducing the costs you can see, as well as the ones you can’t. Smith Sustainable Design can plan and install an electric solar energy system for your home, providing clean, affordable power.

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